I want to transfer asset instead of ADA using cardano serialization Lib. I am new to cardano blockchain. I recently transferred ADA's build a transaction using this link so far https://github.com/Emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib/blob/master/doc/getting-started/generating-transactions.md. But can't find any possible way to transferred the assets.
1 Answer
This is the code I use to send multiple assets with @emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs
import * as CardanoWasm from "@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs";
export async function buildMultiAssetTx(
fromAddress: string,
toAddress: string,
policy: string,
assetName: string,
amount: string,
privateKey: CardanoWasm.PrivateKey
) {
const params = await getParameters();
const linearFee = CardanoWasm.LinearFee.new(
const txBuilderConfig = CardanoWasm.TransactionBuilderConfigBuilder.new()
// instantiate the tx builder with the Cardano protocol parameters - these may change later on
const txBuilder = CardanoWasm.TransactionBuilder.new(txBuilderConfig);
const unspentOutputs = await getTxUnspentOutputs(fromAddress);
// pointer address
const shelleyChangeAddress = CardanoWasm.Address.from_bech32(fromAddress);
const minter = CardanoWasm.Address.from_bech32(toAddress);
var txOutputBuilder = CardanoWasm.TransactionOutputBuilder.new();
txOutputBuilder = txOutputBuilder.with_address(minter);
var txOutputAmountBuilder = txOutputBuilder.next();
const multiAsset = CardanoWasm.MultiAsset.new()
const assets = CardanoWasm.Assets.new()
CardanoWasm.AssetName.new(Buffer.from(assetName, "hex")), // Asset Name
CardanoWasm.BigNum.from_str(amount) // How much to send
CardanoWasm.ScriptHash.from_bytes(Buffer.from(policy, "hex")), // PolicyID
txOutputAmountBuilder = txOutputAmountBuilder.with_asset_and_min_required_coin(multiAsset, CardanoWasm.BigNum.from_str(params.data.genesis.alonzo.lovelacePerUTxOWord.toString()))
const txOutput = txOutputAmountBuilder.build();
// add a keyhash input - for ADA held in a Shelley-era normal address (Base, Enterprise, Pointer)
txBuilder.add_inputs_from(unspentOutputs, 3); // LargestFirstMultiAsset
// set the time to live - the absolute slot value before the tx becomes invalid
const slot = await getSlotNo();
txBuilder.set_ttl(slot.data.cardano.tip.slotNo + 10000);
// calculate the min fee required and send any change to an address
// once the transaction is ready, we build it to get the tx body without witnesses
const txBody = txBuilder.build()
const txHash = CardanoWasm.hash_transaction(txBody);
const witnesses = CardanoWasm.TransactionWitnessSet.new();
const vkeyWitnesses = CardanoWasm.Vkeywitnesses.new();
const vkeyWitness1 = CardanoWasm.make_vkey_witness(txHash, privateKey);
// create the finalized transaction with witnesses
const transaction = CardanoWasm.Transaction.new(
undefined, // transaction metadata
return toHexString(transaction.to_bytes());